Thursday, 29 September 2011

learning to blog

Well, here I am. Creating a blog. I am not even sure that I am doing this correctly, but with all things new, if you don't try, you will never succeed. I am hoping that eventually, I will get a group of avid followers, or pretty much anyone interested in hearing my ramblings to listen in from time to time.

I am not sure yet what I will talk about, but I am open to suggestions from the group out there that is not already formed, feel free to ask questions on photography, raising crazy children, figuring out the madness in the dating world, or fund raising, or well, life in general and I will do my best to figure out some sort of answer.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am still trying to figure out this blogging thing, so please hold on to your hats!! My friend Ila has told me she can help me... hopefully I am adept at learning!! (c; in the meantime, please enjoy these images, they are the finalists for the July Pollux awards. 2 of mine are featured here!
